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CashEssentials at Future of Cash

Categories : Cash ensures competition among payment instruments
February 6, 2019
Tags : Cash, Cash usage, Future of Cash conference, Greece
CashEssentials will hold a seminar on the topic "Understanding Cash Usage" on the margins of the Future of Cash conference which will be held 20-21 February in Athens, Greece.
Communication Team / Equipo de Comunicación

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The Future of Cash conference is coming up soon CashEssentials will also be part of it! Taking place in Athens 20-21 February, this event is designed to trigger a debate around how to achieve greater efficiency within the cash cycle and industry at large. Attracting stakeholders from all spheres of the industry – including associations like ourselves! – the main topics that will be discussed are changing demand in the payments landscape, improvements in cash collection, making cash more efficient and how best to innovate it to transform the way it’s used and handled.

CashEssentials will also hold a closed session on the 19th to further our understanding of cash demand. Economists, researchers, academics, as well as payments experts will participate in this one-day seminar to explore consumer motivations for holding cash. Indeed, cash circulation has been increasing in relation to nominal GDP in the majority of countries, and we will attempt to identify the main factors driving demand.

We hope that with the discussions and exchanges that will take place in Athens, CashEssentials will be able to provide some crucial insights into cash usage and potentially trigger further research.

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