France’s postal service company, La Poste, developed Monimalz – a connected piggy bank that was presented at the Las Vegas Consumer Technology Association in January this year.
Characterised by a modern design and the ability to personalise it into a shape of a whale, a sun or a robot, this piggy bank connects to both the parents’ and the children’s smartphone. Every time the child receives a gift in cashMoney in physical form such as banknotes and coins. More, he or she can drop it into the connected box that will immediately display the total balance on all the connected phones as well as on the piggy bank’s own display.
Credit: David Legrand
The other advantage of Monimalz is that it allows parents to set a list of chores (like doing the dishes, cleaning the room), a timeframe to complete them and the pocket moneyFrom the Latin word moneta, nickname that was given by Romans to the goddess Juno because there was a minting workshop next to her temple. Money is any item that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts, such as taxes, in a particular region, country or socio-economic context. Its onset dates back to the origins of humanity and its physical representation has taken on very varied forms until the appearance of metal coins. The banknote, a typical representati... More to be earned. If the chore is completed on time, the parents validate it and the pocket money is automatically credited to the piggy bank.
For the younger ones, the piggy bank’s app provides educational games teaching them how to appropriately manage a budget. The price is yet to be defined as the piggy bank is still in its prototype phase.
To read the original article [in French], please click here.