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Cardless Forex withdrawals brought to travellers

Categories : Cash is efficient, Innovation contributes to the efficiency of cash
September 28, 2017
Cardtronics and CashDash are now offering travellers to the UK the possibility to transparently exchange their currency to the pound sterling when entering the UK thanks to a mobile app. No more fees nor leftover foreign change!
Communication Team / Equipo de Comunicación

The ATM market is currently seeing the introduction of a major innovation regarding cardless withdrawals and currency conversion. Thanks to a partnership between Cardtronics – a leading non-bank ATM operator – and mobile app provider CashDash, foreigners travelling to the UK are now able to retrieve British pounds at ATMs with their smartphone.

CashDash is a mobile app that enables users to digitally buy foreign currencies at attractive and transparent rates. The funds are then loaded on a “Cash2Go” e-Wallet and can be retrieved at any time at one of the 1,000 Cardtronics Cashzone-branded ATMs located in London. The system is currently being tested in the UK but might be deployed in Barcelona and New York in the coming months if the service proves successful. The app allows travellers worldwide to convert their money into British pounds without any surcharge and access hard cash by a click on their smartphone once they land in the UK capital. The service also enables customers to deposit the remaining pounds on their e-Wallet at the end of their stay, thus avoiding the loss of even the smallest leftover change.

Cardtronics firmly believes that cash has its place among digital instruments and remains a leading payment method depending on the purchase and the situation. Confirming this assertion, a recent survey carried out by Consumer Intelligence demonstrated that the majority of British travellers relies almost exclusively on paper money when abroad. Brad Nolan – EVP at Cardtronics – added that the company is not competing with digital and mobile payments. On the contrary, it is hoping to work with these technologies to build bridges between virtual and tangible money, to the benefit of consumers.

To read the original article, please click here.
