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Spaniards are fond of new cashback service

Categories : Cash is efficient, Innovation contributes to the efficiency of cash
December 19, 2017
Tags : Cash, Europe, Mobile, Mobile Payments, Spain
The partnership ING Spain has setup with a number of stores to offer cashback has been a great success. Thanks to its Twyp app, bank customers and other app users have an easier access to cash across Spain.
Communication Team / Equipo de Comunicación

A year ago, ING bank in Spain launched a cashback service via its mobile app Twyp, and it has proven to be a huge success. The app, accessible to both clients and non-clients of the bank, allows consumers to get money back from a number of stores such as Dia, Galp, Disa, Shell and tobacco shops when they carry out a purchase – and these services are available at 4,000 locations nationwide.

Although quite common in the US and the UK, cashback is a pure novelty in Spain. During the first year, ING mostly focused on increasing consumer awareness and onboarding new users. Indeed, ING and its partnering points of sale offered a 10% discount to consumers spending up to €300 until the end of the year. The results have been more than positive. Luis Cabanes, Responsible for Pricing at Disa, stated that they have experienced “an increase in the use of this system by 40% year-on-year”.

Because of these positive results, ING has extended the Twyp app to include people-to-people (P2P) money transfers as well bank transfers for both clients and non-clients. Thanks to this new payments and cash withdrawal model, the euro has not only become more accessible to Spanish consumers, but it has been providing store owners a much welcomed sales boost.

The app is free for download and the only constraint is that the user carry out a purchase at one of Twyp’s partnering stores. 
