CashTechThe expression was first coined by CashEssentials and is the encounter of cash and technology. It brings together innovative companies who leverage software and modern communications technology to improve cash services: access to cash; acceptance of cash; and the efficiency of the cash cycle for all stakeholders. More is the encounter between cashMoney in physical form such as banknotes and coins. More and technology. It brings together innovative companies who leverage software and modern communications technology to improve cash services – including access for consumers and businesses, facilitating the acceptance of cash by retailers across all channels, and enhancing cash’s overall efficiency, resilience and sustainability.
As banks reduce their cash infrastructure (branches, ATMs and cash centres) in most advanced economies, CashTech has moved quickly into the open lane. Increasingly, it appears as a compelling addition and complement to traditional channels for the distribution and circulation of cash. Other innovators are enabling consumers to pay in cash for their online shopping.
The CashTech Innovation Awards will celebrate the tremendous advances in harnessing digital technology to ensure an accessible, reliable and sustainable future for cash. There are three categories.
The judges will be from among the members of the CashEssentials Steering Committee. The closing dateThe year in which a medal or coin was minted. On a banknote, the date is usually the year in which the issuance of that banknote - not its printing or entering into circulation - was formally authorised. More for nominations is 31 August 2022.
The CashTech 2022 awards will be presented at a special ceremony during the Future of Cash Conference in Madrid on 15 September 2022.
Please submit your nomination by 31 August 2022 by completing the form.
Alternatively, send your nomination to