Many might associate moneyFrom the Latin word moneta, nickname that was given by Romans to the goddess Juno because there was a minting workshop next to her temple. Money is any item that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts, such as taxes, in a particular region, country or socio-economic context. Its onset dates back to the origins of humanity and its physical representation has taken on very varied forms until the appearance of metal coins. The banknote, a typical representati... More to portraits of men. Yet, the tides are changing and as we celebrate International Women’s Day, CashEssentials would like to highlight the value women bring to their respective communities — and currencies. Let’s travel back in time and pay tribute to some remarkable women who have left a note-able mark in the world – in true banknoteA banknote (or ‘bill’ as it is often referred to in the US) is a type of negotiable promissory note, issued by a bank or other licensed authority, payable to the bearer on demand. More fashion, of course.
Viola Desmond bravely walked into Canadian history when she first entered New Glasgow’s Roseland Theatre and sat in the ‘whites-only’ area. The year was 1946 and people of colour were, to put it quite frankly, suppressed to darkness. But that didn’t stop this successful Nova Scotian businesswoman from refusing police orders to move to the balcony section – where Black customers, like her, were expected to sit.
Viola’s act of defiance ignited the fight for inclusivity and diversity that in 2018, Canada commemorated her as the country’s newest $10 bill, making her the first ever woman to appear on Canadian currencyThe money used in a particular country at a particular time, like dollar, yen, euro, etc., consisting of banknotes and coins, that does not require endorsement as a medium of exchange. More.
Oppressively controlled by Dominican Republic dictator, Rafael Trujillo, Dominicans were living a totalitarian nightmare. In a daring attempt to wake the nation free from its burdens, the Mirabel Sisters – Patria, Minerva and Maria Teresa – brutally sacrificed their lives to end Trujillo’s. Now largely known as “the Mariposas”, these three ladies have rightfully spread their wings in becoming the nation’s symbol of women.
At the end of 2007, the Dominican Republic issued a 200 Peso Oro banknote with a portrait of the three sisters, paying tribute to their fearless efforts. Their resilience and determination continued to spread throughout the world, triggering the United Nations to designate International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women in their honor, which is celebrated every 25th of November.
Marie Curie is known by the world as a prominent scientist who achieved tremendous work in developing nuclear energy and radiotherapy for cancer treatment. In 1903, Marie together with her husband Pierre, were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for their work on radioactivity while in 1911, she won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for her work on polonium and radium. These achievements made her the first woman to ever receive the Nobel Prize, and the only woman who to dateThe year in which a medal or coin was minted. On a banknote, the date is usually the year in which the issuance of that banknote - not its printing or entering into circulation - was formally authorised. More, has received two.
To celebrate the 100th anniversary of Marie Curie’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry, the National Bank of Poland issued a 20 złoty banknote with her image that was put into circulation in 2011.
These remarkable ladies shows us the note-able value women bring to the world and that in supporting a woman we are supporting what it means to be human.