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IMAGINE CURRENCY: The Art of Photomontage

Categories : Cash connects people, Cash is a social network, Cash is available to all users, Cash is the first step of financial inclusion
September 7, 2021
Tags : Banknotes, Cash, Design, Photo contest, Photography
The IMAGINE CURRENCY photo contest invites you to create your own currency to serve the message of your choice. This highly creative exercise is particularly suited to those who are adept at the art of photomontage.
Communication Team / Equipo de Comunicación

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The art of photomontage

The photomontage technique appeared in 1850-51 by combining collodion negatives. It was used from 1870 for political purposes by Eugène Appert in his series of Crimes of the Commune. The technique became popular after 1917, in the USSR, with the constructivist movement pioneered by Alexander Rodchenko and Lazar Lissitzky.

As the potential of photomontage is infinite, this technique can follow various directions, both poetic (the Surrealists were fond of it) and political. Propagandists of all stripes relied on this medium with its educational virtues. Charlotte Perriand made monumental use of it to promote the actions implemented by the Front Populaire.

The IMAGINARY CURRENCY photo contest in collaboration with Wipplay invites you to create your own currency to serve the message of your choice. This highly creative exercise is particularly suited to those who are adept at the art of photomontage. To inspire you, we wanted to share some of the directions already explored by the participants with very different creative approaches.


Playing with clean (un)cuts
to boost the impact of your message


CashEssentials Wipplay Imagine Currency Photo Contest CashEssentials Wipplay Imagine Currency Photo Contest

©Wetten & Lecok, Wipplay

The photomontage technique allows you to bring elements together without procrastination. On a small surface, you can cut out your graphic material in a raw way to adopt a punk aesthetic. By using a beautiful composition and a harmonious background, the whole thing works wonderfully and will impact your idea!


Adopt the double exposure or “stencil” effect
to create a dialogue between your shots

©Lma & Valoche, Wipplay

Do not hesitate to use double exposure or the stencil effect to create relationships between different visual worlds on a small surface. The symbolic and poetic effect will be all the more impactful. Be careful, however, to manage the tones of your images so that the whole remains understandable, without too much confusion.


Mixing genres
to create surprise and awaken curiosity

CashEssentials Wipplay Imagine Currency Photo Contest CashEssentials Wipplay Imagine Currency Photo Contest


©Cushmok & Bakoo, Wipplay

Photography, drawing, painting, and all other graphic forms are welcome! Mixing unusual genres will make your creations even more fascinating. Take time to think about the harmonies between the shapes and colours of the different elements to preserve the readability of the whole.



The contest is open to everyone across the globe. It will run until 29 September 2021 at 23h59 (UTC+2), CEST: Central European Summer Time.

Click here to participate.

This post is also available in: Spanish
