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Three Cheers for Cash this Holiday Season

Categories : Cash connects people, Cash enables an immediate transfer of value
December 23, 2019
Tags : Cash, Charitable donation, Universality
Charitable giving hits a peak in December and cash donations can make a big difference well into the New Year.
Communication Team / Equipo de Comunicación

This post is also available in: Spanish

The holiday season can bring out the best in all of us including charitable giving.  But does it actually make people more altruistic?

According to an academic study,  the answer is a resounding YES! The month of December is associated with a 14% increase in the likelihood to make a donation, providing strong support to the notion of seasonal altruism. And researchers found that the increase in generosity persists well into January.

Face-to-face fundraising, which includes street and door-to-door fundraising is an important source of income for many charities. Bucket or cash collections allow charities to collect high volumes of smaller, one-off contributions and to raise awareness of their cause. Giving a one-off cash donation is an opportunity to make a contribution without the requirement for longer-term donations, such as direct debits. However, if one-time donors can be persuaded to donate on a regular basis, it can be an effective way for charities to raise funds longer term, especially among younger donors.

Cash donations to street fundraisers are strictly regulated. In the UK, the Funding Regulator, an independent body for regulating charitable giving, encourages best practice in fundraising, in order to protect donors and support the work of fundraisers. It includes special guidance for cash collections.

So why not spread some holiday cheer this season and pass your pocket change on to charities in need? It really can make a difference.

This post is also available in: Spanish
