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Unveiled: the new €50

Categories : Cash is trust
July 11, 2016
Tags : Central Bank, Europe
The Eurozone's most popular denomination, the €50, has been unveiled on July 5th and will be released on April 4th, 2017.
Communication Team / Equipo de Comunicación

On July 5th, 2016, the European Central Bank (ECB), unveiled the new €50 of the Europa series. The new banknote is due to be released on April 4th, 2017. Yves Mersch, Executive Board member of the ECB said: “The gradual launch of the new euro banknotes with new and enhanced features also underlines the Eurosystem’s commitment to cash as a trusted and efficient means of payment.”

The €50 is the most popular denomination in the Eurozone. In fact, 45% of all banknotes in circulation are €50s – more than the €5, €19 and €20 combined. 

The new €50 has been designed to be more secure than its predecessor from the first Europa series – a means to continuously fight counterfeiters – and it will include a portrait window like the one in the new €20, a hologram, a watermark as well as a dynamic colour-shifting emerald number 50 on the front of the note.

The ECB launched a partnership programme with industrial partners to ensure a seamless transition to the new family member of the second Europa series.

To read the ECB’s official press release, please click here

To find out more about the new Europa series, click here

Photo credit: ECB
