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Elsewhere on the web is back!

Categories : Cash covers a broad range of transactions, Cash has legal tender status, Cash is a symbol of national sovereignty, Cash is the first step of financial inclusion, Innovation contributes to the efficiency of cash
September 6, 2024
Tags : Cash News, Japan, Morocco, Thailand, UK, US
Elsewhere on the Web provides updates and links to articles related to cash, money and payments curated on the web.
Guillaume Lepecq

Chair, CashEssentials

After a break of several months, ‘Elsewhere on the web’ is back.

This month new banknotes dominate the news.

In India, old notes dominate the news. The Reserve Bank has said that 97.96% of the rupee 2,000 denomination have been returned since its demonetization on 19 May.

In Switzerland, look at the lifecycle of banknotes and what happens when they are withdrawn from circulation.

Poverty alleviation is another key topic.

In the UK, the increasing use of the Post Office to handle cash comes as the rate of closure of bank branches and ATMs shows no sign of slowing.

In the US, NCR launches a Bitcoin Cashout feature whereby enrolled customers can sell bitcoin, picking up their cash at ATMs at thousands of leading merchant locations.

Moscow Times, which is now blocked in Russia, reports that Russia imported more than $29 million in U.S. dollar and euro banknotes from Rwanda this year, despite Western sanctions on cash imports, citing confidential customs data.

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