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Programme – The Future of Cash Conference 2023

Categories : Cash and Crises, Cash generates security, Cash is a contingency and fall-back solution, Cash is a public good, Cash is Sustainable
June 23, 2023
Tags : Future of Cash, Future of Cash conference, Resilience
The programme of the Future of Cash conference (Istanbul, 6-8 November), has now been published. Here are the big themes of the conference, and the relevant speakers.

The Future of Cash conference focuses on understanding the changing cash environment and what stakeholders are doing to optimise the cash cycle and ensure cash’s future viability and sustainability. It brings together all stakeholders to discuss new strategies for creating the cash cycle of the future.

Key Topics: The Cash Paradox, Resilience and Redesigning the Cash Cycle

 The key themes are,

The speaker list is predominantly central and commercial banks from every continent and several expert speakers.

To view the programme and the exciting speaker line-up, click here.

Is Cash a Public Good or A Basic Right?

 An opening research seminar will debate whether cash is a public good and a public right and discuss the policy implications regarding access to and acceptance of cash, the organisation and funding of the cash cycle.

Round Table Conversations

There is also a round table session where attendees can choose to join tables where experts lead conversations on a range of topics such as access and acceptance of cash, redesigning the cash cycle, CashTech and Innovation, cash & CBDC, cash and crises, the environmental sustainability of cash, how to fund the cash cycle and data management. There will be time to join in on several conversations.

Framing a Cash Narrative Workshop

In addition, there will be a workshop titled, ‘The Best Defence is Offence: Pioneering a Cash Narrative to Defeat Cashless Propaganda’, led by Brett Scott, the monetary anthropologist and author of Cloudmoney: Cash, Cards, Crypto and the War for our Wallets. 

CashTeach Innovation Awards

A panel discussion will look at how ‘CashTech can boost innovation in the cash cycle?’ also It will be followed by the presentation of the  be CashTech Innovation Awards based on three categories,

This post is also available in: Spanish

