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3% of the British Public Never Use Cash

Categories : Cash connects people, Cash has legal tender status, Cash is a public good
July 3, 2023
Tags : Acceptance of cash, Legal tender, Survey, UK
Latest YouGov findings reveal 71% of the British public would support making it a legal requirement for businesses to accept cash.
Guillaume Lepecq

Chair, CashEssentials

This post is also available in: Spanish

The Payment Choice Alliance, an organisation that campaigns for the UK public to have the legal right to spend their cash when and where they choose to do so, shared new results from YouGov revealing how very strongly the public disagrees with the relentless efforts of some major businesses to push the UK towards becoming a cashless society.

YouGov’s survey conducted last week revealed:

This very latest measurement of UK public opinion underlines how committed the majority of the public are to cash. The fact that with all the alternatives available to them only 3% report that they NEVER use cash is a huge vote of support for the British £ and what it stands for in the minds of the British public.

It is time for all businesses that are seemingly pushing to make the UK a so-called “cashless society” to put the British public first. Such businesses need to respect the firmly expressed preferences of the British public, who are their customers. In short, they must forget “cashless” and fully commit to ensuring cash always has a place as a UK Payment Choice.

The fact that as many as 71% of people support the idea of a new law to make accepting cash a legal requirement of doing business shows just how widely people in the UK are unhappy with any move towards a “cashless” society. Whether it is convenience, freedom of choice, managing their spending or the understandable desire not to have their lives completely monitored and controlled that motivates them, it is absolutely clear the public want to be able to use their cash when and where they choose to do so.

Political parties with an eye on the next General Election would be wise to wake up to this major public concern. Payment Choice is a vote-winner; “cashless” quite definitely is not.

Of course, Payment Choice need not become an election issue. The simplest way of avoiding this is for the current government to ensure a Payment Choice Act is passed in 2023. The Payment Choice Alliance and, most importantly, the British public, would strongly welcome this outcome.

– Ron Delnevo, Chairman of the Payment Choice Alliance.

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